Make sure you're in charge of your money, or your money could end up running you!
Managing your money is an essential life skill, and once you know what you're doing, it really isn't so difficult. The only person responsible for your financial health is you, so it's good to know the essentials.
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If you're 16 or over you may be able to claim certain benefits or tax credits (government payments) if you're on a low income, looking for work, disabled or caring for a child or older person.
Claiming benefits can seem a little daunting. The DirectGov website has a section on benefits where you can see what you are entitled to.
If you decide to go into full-time education or work-based learning, you can get financial help with the cost of your studies. This could include help with:
- Transport and childcare costs
- Education Maintenance Allowance
- Help with childcare costs
- Help with transport costs
- Help if you're studying away from home
- Discretionary Support Funds
- Dance and Drama Awards
- Help with going to university
For more information on these speak to someone at your college/work or use the young people section on the Gov website.