
Hate Crime

Hate crime ruins people's lives. It can make people scared and is against the law.

Hate Crime is any incident or behaviour that someone thinks was caused by hatred of:

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability
  • Religion or faith.

Hate crime can be:

  • calling people names or shouting horrible things;
  • spreading nasty rumours;
  • hurting people;
  • anti-social behaviour;
  • kicking, throwing stones or punching someone;
  • leaving someone out of things;
  • threatening people;
  • graffiti - writing mean things on a wall; and;
  • setting fire to someone's house or property.

There are loads of ways you can report hate crime if you witness it or if someone else commits a hate crime against you. Don't suffer alone.

Tell someone you trust or call Merseyside Police on 101.
If you don't want to report it to the police, you can report it Stop Hate UK.
Stop Hate UK provide support to young people and adults affected by hate crime.

You can contact them:

On the phone: 0800 138 1625
Online at www.stophateuk.org/talk
In an email: talk@stophateuk.org
Via instant messaging
In a text: 07717 989 025
In the post: Stop Hate UK, PO Box 484, LS7 9BZ