
Young People's Drug and Alcohol Team (YPDAAT)


St Helens Young People's Drug and Alcohol Team (YPDAAT), provide young people and their families in St Helens with a range of interventions to help them to make informed choices around drug and alcohol use in order to achieve their full potential.

Despite what you might think, most young people choose not to use drugs or alcohol. Of those that do most young people will grow out of this without any issues.


What to expect

  • A friendly service
  • An initial appointment where we introduce ourselves and tell you more about what the team offers
  • The opportunity to ask any questions and tell us a bit more about what is going on for you
  • Appointments with your key worker at suitable times and places for you
  • Support for as long as you feel you want to receive it


Parent Support Group!


Parent Support Group - Kauai Family Magazine

The young people's drug and alcohol team are running a 90 Minute parenting session to support parents and carers in the borough having discussions with their children about drugs and alcohol.
The session will cover:
Talking to your children about drug and alcohol.
Basic drug and alcohol awareness.
Exploitation and what this is.
Keeping your children safe and safety planning with your children.
For any further details or to book a place on this please email your name, telephone number, email and which session you would like to attend:

Or call us on: 01744 675 605

Please see leaflet saved in documents across!


Meet the Team

At YPDAAT we are dedicated to helping and supporting young people and their families.  Our staff have a wide range of skills and knowledge, to find out more check out our staff profile in the related pages below.

See the source image


Image result for warning

The team have recently had a number of reports that young people are using Ketamine on a regular basis. They are stating to have significant health concerns linked to the use of Ketamine such as problems urinating and stomach pains. 

Regular ketamine use can cause agitationpanic attacksdamage to short- and long-term memorydepression, if taken frequently 

If people continue to use ketamine they should take very small doses, clean their noses regularly.

They should avoid mixing with any other drugs,  particularly depressant drugs like alcohol, benzodiazepines or opiates, you risk collapsing, passing out and/or seriously injuring yourself. You could also choke, especially if you vomit. 

Ketamine can also be very dangerous when mixed with ecstasy or amphetamine (speed), as it can cause high blood pressure. 

We have been supporting young people to access health services and would encourage any using Ketamine or having health issues to seek support from A&E or your GP.  

Please see the link below for further information around Ketamine use:


If you are worried or need support around your drug use please contact the team.